Tyavarekoppa Lion and Tiger Safari is 8 kms away from Shimoga bus stand.
The place can be reached easily as many buses pass by this route often.
A pleasant place to visit even though only a few species of animals and
birds are present. Safari is having children park making it picnic spot for the near by schools.
Entry fess for Safari is high as entrance is Rs 10, for Van trip Rs
50 and for still camera Rs 50 will be charged. Timings Morning 10:00 AM
to evening 5:00 PM and Tuesday is holiday.
Safari has a museum providing information about the near by places to visit and the medicinal values of plants. Recently even the adoption scheme is launched in which an animal or a bird can be adopted for a period of one year paying the prescribed amount consulting the conservator of forest.
Safari has a museum providing information about the near by places to visit and the medicinal values of plants. Recently even the adoption scheme is launched in which an animal or a bird can be adopted for a period of one year paying the prescribed amount consulting the conservator of forest.

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