Millions of people are watching you our beloved elected members

Politics is not comparable with anything. If at all it is compared it will spoil the dignity of compared word. Nothing can be equivalent to politics. Today politics has become the play of dirty people with few exception (exception is only till the revealing of what they have actually done.) There is no ethics or value based politicians, all are money based politicians. A person who is in a party will surely change to other for the reason of money, may be this only is called value (money has value) based politics. Some of the current developments in the state and central governments and the criminal cases against our own elected members confusing us whom to believe and whom not to.

In Karnataka illegal mining report submitted by Justice Santhosh Hegde has helped to understand what our beloved elected members have done in just few years of their term (also the power). The same report resulted in resignation of Karnataka Chief Minister. Even though CM and his subordinates name is clearly mentioned in the report, they are not ready to accept the fact and till today claiming they have not done anything showing the victory sign wherever they go! The power which our elected members got is not permanent and will end after the term. But our members are acting as permanent or may be the confidence that they won’t get elected again. It almost took a week for the new elected to sworn in as the chief minister of Karnataka because of the high drama played by the earlier chief minister in front of high command. Millions of people not only in India, all over the world watched what our beloved chief minister did in bringing glory to our nation and state.

Central Government is no exception scams of thousands of crores are just getting closed highlighting (to console people) one or two accused. Our own elected members don’t even mind in physical fighting with the members of opposite party. No code of conduct or rules for these members while the common man is axed for minute mistake or breach of conduct. Elected members are in no way concerned about health, education and providing facilities to people which should be their duty but our elected members are lobbying for the cabinet ministry or for president posts of boards and organizations.

Younger generation is slowly losing interest in elections, voting and in over all politics. Unknowingly and slowly a feeling of no one is good and nothing is clean in politics is being occupied in our young minds. Only appeal to our elected members is ‘we have elected you with a hope that you will bring change in our lives. Don’t spoil the dignity of nation in front of whole world, millions of people are watching what you are doing.’


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